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/C=DK/ST=NA/L=NA/O=VIVE/OU=NA/CN=Maiken Winther Pontoppidan/
Parental stress scale PSS age 0-1
The PSS contains 18 item statements, with 10 statements addressing negative and stressful aspects of parenting and eight statements addressing positive aspects of parenting [1], thus taking into account the dichotomous nature of the parenting experience. The study sample consists of 1110 mothers with infants aged 0-12 months collected in 2013-2014 and is relatively representable for Danish mothers. The results of the analyses showed that the PSS is not a single unidimensional scale, but rather consists of two separate unidimensional subscales measuring parental stress (PS) and lack of parental satisfaction (LPS). We recommend that with populations similar to the one in the present study the Danish version of the PSS should be administered in the 16 item version (leave out items 2 and 11) with the original response categories, but scored according to the dichotomized response categories, as this will allow respondents to provide differentiated answers as well as valid scoring. It is possible that the original response categories can be used with a more diverse sample. We furthermore recommend that the PSS is scored and interpreted as two separate subscales (PS and LPS), as a single total score is not a valid measure in itself for this population. For use in clinical settings, we consider it an advantage that the PSS consists of two subscales measuring different aspects of parenting as this provides more information on how the parent is feeling. PS: items 3,4,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15,16 LPS: items 1,2,5,6,7,8,17,18
2018-09-28 08:42:35.030813