Supplemental material for "Symmetry breaking due to multi-angle matter-neutrino resonance in neutron star merger remnants" (arXiv: 2403.15532)
Authors: Ian Padilla-Gay, Shashank Shalgar and Irene Tamborra>
The animations show the flavor evolution of the benchmark scenarios considered in the paper.
In the single-angle animation, we show: Left: The time evolution of the oscillated total potential $H_{ee}^{\nu\nu}-H_{xx}^{\nu\nu}+ \lambda$. Right:The time evolution of the neutrino and antineutrino survival probabilities $P(\nu_{e}\rightarrow \nu_{e})$ and $P(\bar{\nu}_{e}\rightarrow \bar{\nu}_{e})$.
In the multi-angle animations$^*$, we show: Left: The time evolution of the oscillated total potentials, $H_{ee}^{\nu\nu}(v)-H_{xx}^{\nu\nu}(v) + \lambda$, for the forward $(v=1)$ and the backward $(v=-1)$ angular bins. Middle: The time evolution of the neutrino and antineutrino angle-integrated survival probabilities $P(\nu_{e}\rightarrow \nu_{e})$ and $P(\bar{\nu}_{e}\rightarrow \bar{\nu}_{e})$. Bottom: The time evolution of the neutrino and antineutrino angular distributions $\rho_{ee}(v)$ and $\bar{\rho}_{ee}(v)$.
$^*$For the multi-angle runs of the ideal neutrino system, we also provide the 2D projections of the angular dependence of the density matrix elements $\rho_{ij}(\cos{\theta},t)$ and $\bar{\rho}_{ij}(\cos{\theta},t)$.
Please cite the paper if you use the videos in your talk or in any other academic setting.
If you face technical difficulties in accessing the movies or if you wish to discuss the physics behind the simulations please feel free to contact the authors.