from import write, read import numpy as np import sys import os from ase.visualize import view from ase import Atom from ase.constraints import FixAtoms import random as rng import math # Seed rng rng.seed(420697418008) # Control panel Ni_conc = [0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.15, 0.2] # List for concentrations with_print = False # Text output? size = 6 # Size of cell compared to the 1*3 cell normally use cluster_size = 3 # Size of clusters, used to calculate how many seeds to remove times = 130#00 # Number of times to run the surface constructor for each molar fraction ViewStructures = False # View structures generated? # Initiating variables #cluster_matrix = np.zeros((1,3)) lenRows = 12.791/4 countArray = np.zeros((len(Ni_conc),times)) if with_print == True: print('\nThis script creates random surface configurations for RuNiO2 and counts the number of RuNi bridge sites \nWritten by Adrian Frandsen\n\n') atoms = read('../Ni/OOO.traj') del atoms[71:] atoms *= (size,size,1) atoms.set_positions(atoms.get_positions() + [0.5*lenRows, 0.775, 0], apply_constraint = False) cellX = atoms.cell[0][0] cellY = atoms.cell[1][1] for i in range(len(Ni_conc)): if True:#with_print == True: print('-------- Ni concentration is: ' + str(Ni_conc[i]) + ' --------\n') for j in range(times): # Do this enough times to get a good sample size, 10? 20? #if with_print == True: print('Round ' + str(j+1) + '\n' ) # Place Ni for k in [atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ru']: if rng.random() < Ni_conc[i]: k.symbol = 'Ni' numberofseeds = len([atom.index for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ni']) # Number of cluster seeds if with_print == True: print('Number of initial seeds placed: ' + str(numberofseeds)) seedsneeded = 24*(size**2)*Ni_conc[i]/cluster_size # The number of seeds that would be expected following the concentration if with_print == True: print('Allowed number of seeds: ' + str(24*size**2) + ' x ' + str(Ni_conc[i]) + ' / (cluster size of '+ str(cluster_size) +')' + ' = ' + str(seedsneeded)) seedstoremove = round(numberofseeds - seedsneeded) # The number of cluster seeds to remove if with_print == True: print('\nRemoving ' + str(seedstoremove) + ' cluster seeds') for k in range(seedstoremove): temp = rng.randint(0,len([atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ni'])-1) [atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ni'][temp].symbol = 'Ru' if with_print == True: print('There are now ' + str(len([atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ni'])) + ' cluster seeds left.\n\nAfter clustering this constitutes a Ni fraction of : ' + str(3*len([atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ni'])/(24*size*size))) print('Compared to the ideal: ' + str(Ni_conc[i])+ '\n') # Create clusters # -Identify clustering spots for each # -- Choose clustering spot clusters = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ni'] if with_print == True: print('The chosen seeds are:', [atom.index for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ni'], '\nClustering happens in random order.\n\n') rng.shuffle(clusters) for spot in clusters: # Clustering spot-list cspots = [atom.index for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ru' # Is Ru AND in one of two cases AND fulfills y coordinate requirements and ( ( # Within same layer, diagonal (case 1), x values ((spot.position[0]+0.6*lenRows)%cellX < atom.position[0] < (spot.position[0]+1.4*lenRows)%cellX or (spot.position[0]-0.6*lenRows)%cellX > atom.position[0] > (spot.position[0]-1.5*lenRows)%cellX ) # z values, no wraparound, no modulus and spot.position[2]-0.2 < atom.position[2] < spot.position[2]+0.2 ) or #Within layers above and below, diagonal (case 2) ( # x values spot.position[0]-0.2 < atom.position[0] < spot.position[0]+0.2 and # z values (spot.position[2]-3.5 < atom.position[2] < spot.position[2]-3.1 or spot.position[2]+3.1 < atom.position[2] < spot.position[2]+3.5) ) ) and # y values, these are the same no matter if we go along x or z ((spot.position[1]+1.3) %cellY < atom.position[1] < (spot.position[1] + 1.7)%cellY or (spot.position[1]-1.3) %cellY > atom.position[1] > (spot.position[1] - 1.7)%cellY ) ] # Choose two if with_print == True: print('Atom number ' + str(spot.index) + ' sees the following potential clustering spots:' ) print(cspots) # Choose one nmb1 = rng.randint(0,len(cspots)-1) # Exchange 1 atoms[cspots[nmb1]].symbol = 'Ni' # Find neighbors neighbors = [atom.index for atom in atoms if ( (((atoms[cspots[nmb1]].position[1] + 3)%cellY < atom.position[1] < (atoms[cspots[nmb1]].position[1] + 3.2)%cellY) or ((atoms[cspots[nmb1]].position[1] - 3)%cellY > atom.position[1] > (atoms[cspots[nmb1]].position[1] - 3.2)%cellY)) and ((atoms[cspots[nmb1]].position[2] - 0.2) < atom.position[2] < (atoms[cspots[nmb1]].position[2] + 0.2)) and ((atoms[cspots[nmb1]].position[0] - 0.2) < atom.position[0] < (atoms[cspots[nmb1]].position[0] + 0.2)) )] # Choose second nmb2 = rng.randint(0,len(cspots)-1) # Ask if it is the same number, or if it is considered a neighbor. If any of these are true, reroll # If you want to go to high concentrations you should consider writing an if statement asking whether there is even any available Ru atoms to convert temp = 0 while nmb1 == nmb2 or atoms[cspots[nmb2]].index in neighbors: nmb2 = rng.randint(0,len(cspots)-1) temp = temp + 1 if temp > 9: print('Exiting "while True" loop') break # Exchange 2 atoms[cspots[nmb2]].symbol = 'Ni' if with_print == True: print('Chooses ' + str(cspots[nmb1]) + ' and ' + str(cspots[nmb2]) + '.\n') # Count surface configurations: Am I missing wraparound? count = 0 for l in range(size): for m in range(3*size): temp = [atom.symbol for atom in atoms if l*cellX / size < atom.position[0] < (l+0.5)*cellX / size and ( m*cellY / (3*size) < atom.position[1] < (m+2)*cellY / (3*size) or (m+1)*cellY / (3*size) % cellY < atom.position[1] < (m+2)*cellY/(3*size) % cellY ) and 24.6 < atom.position[2] < 24.8 ] if temp[0] != temp[1]: count = count + 1 # Save sitedensity = round(count/(3*size*size),4) countArray[i,j] = sitedensity if ViewStructures == True and (j == 0 or j == 1 or j == 2): view(atoms) if with_print == True: print('Number of bridge sites: ', 3*size*size) print('Number of LOER active sites: ', count) print('Fraction of LOERsites/bridgesites: ', sitedensity,'\n') # Clean for atom in [atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'Ni']: atom.symbol = 'Ru' # Save the fraction of LOER to total bridge sites #print('Number of sites (total): ', times*27) #print('Number of LOER active sites: ', count) #print('Fraction LOERsites/Totalsites: ', sitedensity,'\n\n') print('Array of site densities:\n') print(countArray)'3clusterdata.npy', countArray) # Model 2: Ni along (121) planes sizeList = [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,20] planeData = np.zeros((len(sizeList), 2)) for i in range(len(sizeList)): atoms = read('../Ni/OOO.traj') del atoms[71:] atoms *= (sizeList[i],sizeList[i],1) cellX = atoms.cell[0][0] cellY = atoms.cell[1][1] atoms.set_positions(atoms.get_positions() + [0.5*lenRows, 0.775, 0], apply_constraint = False) # Define two planes from points normal121 = np.array((-0.5, 0.35355339, 1.06066017)) # What points? upperPoint = np.array((1.63, 2.33, 25.737)) lowerPoint = np.array((1.63, 2.33, 23.737)) # Find d for ax+by+cz+d=0: a = normal121[0] b = normal121[1] c = normal121[2] d_upper = -(a*upperPoint[0] + b*upperPoint[1] + c*upperPoint[2]) d_lower = -(a*lowerPoint[0] + b*lowerPoint[1] + c*lowerPoint[2]) # Find z = - (ax + by + d) / c for each atom and ask if it is below upper and above lower NiPlane = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == "Ru" and -(a*atom.position[0] + b*atom.position[1] + d_lower)/c < atom.position[2] < - (a*atom.position[0] + b*atom.position[1] + d_upper)/c ] for atom in NiPlane: atom.symbol = "Ni" #if ViewStructures == True: # view(atoms) # Find Ni fraction print("\n------------ Ni 121 plane (size: "+str(sizeList[i])+")-------------", "\n\nTotal Ni fraction is " + str(len(NiPlane)/(sizeList[i]*sizeList[i]*24))) Ni_top_layer = [atom for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == "Ni" and atom.position[2] > 24] Ni_count = len(Ni_top_layer) print('Ni count for top layer: ' + str(Ni_count)) print('Ni fraction for top layer: ' + str(Ni_count/(sizeList[i]*sizeList[i]*6))) print("Ni introduced for 121 plane: " +str(len(NiPlane))) # Count surface active sites count = 0 for l in range(sizeList[i]): for m in range(sizeList[i]*3): temp = [atom.symbol for atom in atoms if l*cellX / sizeList[i] < atom.position[0] < (l+0.5)*cellX / sizeList[i] and ( m*cellY / (sizeList[i]*3) < atom.position[1] < (m+2)*cellY / (sizeList[i]*3) or (m+1)*cellY / (sizeList[i]*3) % cellY < atom.position[1] < (m+2)*cellY/(sizeList[i]*3) % cellY ) and 24.6 < atom.position[2] < 24.8 ] if temp[0] != temp[1]: count = count + 1 print('Number of sites (total): ', sizeList[i]*sizeList[i]*3) print('Number of LOER active sites: ', count) print('Fraction LOERsites/Totalsites: ', round(count/(sizeList[i]*sizeList[i]*3), 4),'\n\n') planeData[i,0] = Ni_count/(sizeList[i]*sizeList[i]*6) # Nickel fraction for top layer (representative layer) planeData[i,1] = round(count/(sizeList[i]*sizeList[i]*3), 4) # active site density.'planeData.npy', planeData)