# XYZ files of transition metal catalysts for the Suzuki reaction **B3LYP-D3BJ/def2-TZVP//B3LYP-D3BJ/3-21 energy annotations are in the second line of each xyz-file** **Data contains dublicate structures, since starting populations are not unique** Files are named `{RunIdx}-{GAType}{SAOption}-{Metal}-{Generation}-{PopIdx}-{lin/sq}.xyz` with : * `RunIdx` as the index of the GA run * `GAtype` as the type of GA used, either `ligandGA` or `graphGA` * `SAOption` as an optional synthetic accessibility constraint, either `SA` or `''` * `Metal` as the metal of the TM complex, if not specified then the complex is with `Pd` * `Generation` as the generation at which the catalyst was generated in the algorithm, `000` is the starting population * `PopIdx` as the index of the catalyst in the population * `lin/sq` as the geometry of the catalyst, either linear or square planar, which corresponds to intermediate 1 and 2 in the paper Link to paper: [Beyond Predefined Ligand Libraries: A Genetic Algorithm Approach for De Novo Discovery of Catalysts for the Suzuki Coupling Reactions](https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-9xh38)