The IDRome folder contains the database of conformational ensembles for 28,058 sequences of the human intrinsically disordered proteome. The directories are organized by splitting the UniProt IDs into two- or four-character units in a hierarchical fashion. For example, the conformational ensembles and precalculated conformational properties for the 97-aa-long N-terminal IDR of NP1L3 (UniProt ID: Q99457) are contained in the folder Q9/94/57/1_97. Python code, Jupyter Notebooks, and data for reproducing all the results presented in the manuscript "Conformational ensembles of the human intrinsically disordered proteome" are available at and at The Excel Sheet Supplementary_Table_3.xlsx lists amino acid sequences, sequence feature, and conformational properties of all the 28,058 IDRs. The Previous_Versions folder contains previous versions of this work.