Signup for UCPH ERDA

Before you can use this site you need a user account. You can sign up for one here as described below.

OpenID Login

The simplest sign up method is to use an existing OpenID 2.0 or OpenID Connect login if you have one.

Non-KU/UCPH users can sign up for an account with OpenID 2.0 access here.

When you click the Signup button you will be taken to a registration page where you need to enter your details to get both an OpenID account and an account on UCPH ERDA with that OpenID login associated.

KU/UCPH users can sign up for an account here using their existing OpenID 2.0 credentials.

When you click the Signup button you will be taken to a login page where you need to enter your credentials and accept that your identity is used for UCPH ERDA OpenID 2.0 login.

Client Certificate

We provide high security access control with client certificates, like the ones you may know from digital signature providers. It is a bit cumbersome to get and install such a client certificate, so if you want to keep it simple and have other access options, you may want to use those instead.

External users can sign up for an UCPH ERDA account here using their existing x509 user certificate.

When you click the Signup button you will be taken to a registration page where the fields will mostly be pre-filled based on your certificate. You just need to accept that your certificate is used for UCPH ERDA login.

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