Shared Files

Working directory:
AtoGToVaZ8 / prism_pdb / Q7 / Z3 / K3

Advanced file actions
Action on paths selected below (please hold mouse cursor over button for a description):
Info Select/deselect all files

            1861         Sat Apr 10 05:52:34 2021
             995         Sat Apr 10 05:52:38 2021
            1861         Thu Apr  1 07:10:52 2021
             995         Thu Apr  1 07:10:59 2021
            5148         Sat Apr 10 05:52:43 2021
            5148         Thu Apr  1 07:10:58 2021

Filter paths (wildcards like * and ? are allowed)
File view options

Long format False

Recursion False

Show hidden files False

This is a read-only share so you do not have access to edit or add files, only view data.

Edit file
Fill in the path of a file to edit and press 'edit' to open that file in the
online file editor. Alternatively a file can be selected for editing through
the listing of personal files.

Create directory
Name of new directory to be created in current directory (prism_pdb/Q7/Z3/K3/)

Upload file
Upload file to current directory (prism_pdb/Q7/Z3/K3/)
Extract package files (.zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2)
Submit mRSL files (also .mRSL files included in packages)
File to upload
Optional remote filename (extra useful in windows)
Upload files efficiently (using chunking).
Exit code: 0 Description: OK (done in 0.275s)